Why logic can work against you when manifesting massive wealth

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Logic makes you create a framework in your mind and then life tends to play out by the rules you have created for yourself.

Duke Reed

Logic is the one thing everyone resorts to in everyday matters. However, in certain cases it can actually work against you.

Einstein said it best. “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere”.

You see when you are out there to accomplish big things in the world, logic will become a hindrance.

Before starting anything, you will find all sorts of faults and reasons as to why it won’t work and then you won’t be able to start it at all.

See, if that were the thing then no one would ever take risks. No one would ever think of starting something new.

Everyone would go down the same path.

Logic actually differs from person to person. The question you need to ask yourself is that do you really have sound reasons behind your logic.

Where do your beliefs actually come from? Are they really true or are they simply assumptions you have created in your own mind.

If anyone were to follow statistics no one would ever even think of becoming a world champion. No one would ever dream of owning a business when there are so many businesses in the same market.

The truth is that there is enough for everyone and you can get what you want regardless of whatever circumstances you are in.

Logic makes you create a framework in your mind and then life tends to play out by the rules you have created for yourself.

It actually happens like that and if this is resonating with you, you would know that it is true.

The proof is always there. Like Aaron Doughy said “Everything is a self fulfilling prophecy. Whatever your mind holds to be true is expressed outside in your reality and which acts like a confirmation bias”.

There are actually people out there who haven’t done basic education. There are people who don’t even know how to read English properly and yet they are manifesting the wealth that you desire.

Remember, be aware of what your logical frameworks for success are. Your life will be dictated by that. Use your intuition that is where true intelligence lies.

Anyway, that was all I had to say. Have fun, take care and bye.

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