Burning Bridges : The philosophy of succeeding in life

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You see life is simple. But often times we complicate it. As kids, we want to be something. As adults, we take a different path altogether.

The truth is why don’t we pursue what we want to pursue. Why don’t we go after our dream career. What is really stopping us?

You see it is fear. Fear of failure. Fear of not knowing how things will be when we take a course of action.

It happens especially when we see look at probabilities of something happening. How many people become successful painters, writers or sportsman. The answer is a select few.

Its often when we see these statistics that we decide not to go after the things we want in life.

The ultimate fear actually comes down to death. Why do we fear loosing our jobs, because we won’t get money. If we don’t get money then we won’t be able to feed ourselves, which will cause death by hunger.

So, the thing is it all comes down to death. At times, in life we have to put our lives on the line to get what we want. If you want to open that business, it might be time for you to leave your job to develop that.

You want to become a boxer, you might have to put your academics to the side and do that full time.

There is actually a scene in Batman Dark Knight Rises where Bruce has to let go of the rope to jump across. Its a tough decision for him as he is risking his own life to get to where he wants.

When we have a backup plan, we tend to fall back on it. Our minds are not able to concentrate fully on the task at hand because the escape plan is always lurking in the back of the mind.

When you want to transform your life, you have to transform yourself. You must take the decision of moving forward without holding back. Its only then can you truly be successful in whatever you are aiming towards.

Albert Einstein once said

Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you can not help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.

Albert Einstein

That is why you must be fully committed to what you are doing and you will experience magic happen in your reality.

At times, you have to cut out all distractions so that you can fully devote your energy towards what you want to accomplish.

And, remember that God will always have a plan for you. So, you don’t have to worry about things not working out.

Be totally dedicated to your craft and don’t look back.

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